I was browsing a random image board website when I came across a thread where the creator said he wanted to commit suicide and asked what form of suicide would be the best. He claimed that life was pointless and he wanted to end it all in his despair he posted the adjacent image and said that it surmised his feelings.-->
I responded by saying
If you claim that you find your life and actions pointless then suicide is against your own principle. You are by committing suicide committing an act of predictability and an act that has been done countless times in the past. Life is only pointless if you take to heart the inevitability that someday you will die and there is no way out. You yourself can prevent the pointless repetition and meaninglessness of your life by doing unpredictable acts rather than the committing the sad conformity of suicide. Instead if letting inevitability and meaninglessness run your thoughts think only of things that bring you pleasure, and deny that you are going to die, say instead that you will find immortality and kiss the your sad world of inevitability's goodbye. Think not in terms of a being with a set life span but think as a being not bound by the rules of society. Kill someone do things you find vile and hurt some one you love, only in doing this will you find your ability to throw off the chains of fate that you find your self weighed down by.
He responded to my post in saying
"wow man. Thanks. You just gave me meaning to my life. Thanks bro"
With words I was able to conjure in a matter of minutes I was able to prevent suicide and save a life.
The felling accompanied by the realization that I may have in fact saved a life is a felling I now find myself unable to describe, but if I had to I would say that realizing the power of my words has inspired me and left a felling of inspiration that I will not soon forget
True story